Small things can make big differences… You might think when reading our emails that we LOVE doing big refurbs and spending lots of money. ...

Small things can make big differences…

You might think when reading our emails that we LOVE doing big refurbs and spending lots of money. That’s far from the truth – we know the whole point of being a landlord is making money and to do that you often have to make difficult choices.

There’s no point in putting in a new kitchen when it only needs freshening up or why re-decorate the whole house when the lounge will do?

It’s a fine balancing act between spending just enough to get the right tenant and spending too little so that you struggle to let your property or end up with a tenant who makes matters worse.

I think this is how we’re different to other letting agents. We’re first and foremost landlords ourselves, so when it comes to providing a solution, it’s ALWAYS based on us owning a profitable portfolio for close to 15 years.

Especially with the cost of living crisis and the way interest rates are increasing we need to watch every penny. So what do you do if you have a tired kitchen?

Firstly I’d suggest not replacing it, the easiest thing to do is to replace the handles, maybe the work-top and potentially the cupboard fronts – this will provide a budget solution for you.

We often re-decorate the front room with a feature wall to make it stand out and attract tenants.

Also, we love little touches like painting doors or bannisters to make the property stand out.

If you want to see a few budget tips see our video below:

I hope you found the video useful and remember it’s OUR JOB TO SAVE YOU MONEY!

For any sales, lettings or refurb help:

  • Contact us today by phone or email to move your property to us.
  • We’ll contact your letting agent to ensure a seamless tenant transfer, including the deposit, keys and all paperwork.
  • We’ll contact your tenant to resolve any rent, maintenance or refurbishment issues you have, arranging a property visit if required.
  • We’ll begin the process of maximising your income and wealth.