Top 5 Tips when Tenants give Notice on your Property       I wanted to share with you some top tips that I...

Top 5 Tips when Tenants give Notice on your Property

I wanted to share with you some top tips that I have found very useful this week when dealing with tenants that have given notice. Remember I am not just a letting agent but also a landlord as well and like you – live and breathe the problems that you encounter! My top tips are only small bits of advice but they make such a difference!

So here are my golden top five tips of the week:

Key questions to ask when your tenant has given notice and you have organised a first meet at the property to confirm its condition before the move out date:

1. Get up to date contact details

2. Get a forwarding address

3. Get a family member/ close friend’s contact details and address so you have another point of contact if you can’t get hold of the tenant.

It is key that you ask these questions straightaway so that you have all the information you need if the tenant does a “runner” before the final moveout. If the property is a mess when you get to this appointment, still ask these questions first. Be nice and polite and get the essential information first before you go into any confrontational conversations about the condition of the property or rent owed. The next 2 useful questions to ask are:

1. The reason why they are leaving- you may be able to close this reason out and keep them at the property.

2. Are there any general maintenance issues you would only know if you live at the property. This may help keeping future tenants.


Transfer your property to NGU Homelettings in the month of January for free! We are experts in turning failing properties/ portfolios around.

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Chris Fitzakerley