โ€œPrevention is Better than A Cureโ€ โ€“ Have you heard that old adage? Well I find thatโ€™s certainly true when renting property.ย  A lot...

โ€œPrevention is Better than A Cureโ€ โ€“ Have you heard that old adage?

Well I find thatโ€™s certainly true when renting property. A lot of costs you incur can be easily avoided, Iโ€™ve found this out to my cost several times over!

When I first started renting out property, anything cheap would be my go-to product, thinking saving money now was what itโ€™s all about. For instance Iโ€™d always put vinyl in a kitchen.

Iโ€™ve now been a landlord for over 10 years and Iโ€™ve seen tonnes of ripped vinyl where the tenant has managed to cause damage when removing cookers, fridges etc. when they moved-out.

You could say โ€“ โ€œWell they should be more carefulโ€ but ultimately vinyl rips and itโ€™s not durable. Why put in a product youโ€™ll have to re-do a few years later?

Ultimately property is all about providing a good home, for tenants who pay the rent while minimising your maintenance costs over the long term.

Repeat this again and again and thatโ€™s how we generate long term wealth for us and our landlords ๐Ÿ”„

So hereโ€™s some top tips on how NOT make those same mistakes I did and to maximise your income โœŒ

The whole point in owning and renting property is maximising your long term wealth to provide for you and your families future.

If you want someone who lives, breathes and understands that point contact us today!