I know this since we have to do this every so often for landlords and it’s usually truly horrendous, to have a tenant however...

I know this since we have to do this every so often for landlords and it’s usually truly horrendous, to have a tenant however reasonable you are to them who just simply refuses to pay the rent!

The stresses involved; mortgage still to pay, unable to understand what you are required to do legally, the process seems to just drag on for months on end…

Managing property isn’t easy and however much you vet your tenants their circumstances can change, loss of job etc. or they have a poor attitude to their obligations – believing you should pay their rent for them!

I know evicting tenants is a simple process but with a myriad of words and terms it can seem daunting – Section 8, Section 21?

So below I’ve attached our simple guide on our website which might help

Eviction Process

If you need any further information let me know, since I know how stressful this can be.