Hope you’re having an amazing Easter and enjoying time with friends and family as the restrictions are lifted. I was chatting to a friend...

Hope you’re having an amazing Easter and enjoying time with friends and family as the restrictions are lifted.

I was chatting to a friend the other day who was thinking of getting into Buy-To-Let and all he talked about was the money he was going to make.

If you watch enough of “Homes Under the Hammer” you’d think buying, selling and renting property is dead easy!

Well it isn’t, like all of us I’ve had my ups and downs. When I first started I definitely overpaid on some properties, just desperate to get involved. Had rotten tenants, burst pipes and problems with neighbours.

But property’s a long game, you stick at it for 10+ years and by the nature of leveraging your money through debt and house price appreciation – all those 2% – 5% increases each year, add up to significant amounts of money.

I’m not one to sugar coat what we do, sometimes:

  1. It’s GOOD – House prices look like they’re going to do 5-10% this year!
  2. It’s BAD – Austerity and rental prices stagnating in the North East for 10 years
  3. It’s UGLY – Section 24 and the removal of mortgage relief

But you know what, over the long game – I’m going to win from property, I’m sure of it!

In terms of an ugly situation, we recently had to help a landlord with an insurance job, we’re continually faced with tough situations but you follow the process, use your knowledge and expertise then get it sorted!

See the video below (click on picture), of the landlord whose in a bad situation where all the copper and electrics were stolen from his house👇

Don’t worry we’re in the middle of refurbing this one and will get this through to the other end for the landlord.

It’s our job to sort out these problems however difficult.

We’re landlords, we live and breath property, give us a bell today for any sales, lettings or refurb help you need!