Run for the hills, the property market is about to crash!!!šŸ˜± Thereā€™s a lot of doom and gloom in the media, with talk of...

Run for the hills, the property market is about to crash!!!šŸ˜±

Thereā€™s a lot of doom and gloom in the media, with talk of recession, and certainly, weā€™re seeing sustained interest rate rises. This is the first time Iā€™ve seen in 15 years of investing, things are starting to get a little ā€œsqueaky bum timeā€ but ultimately we have to remember that inflation is our friend.

Inflation will increase the value of your assets and your rental income.

Hereā€™s a little example for you. If you bought a property last year for Ā£100,000, with a 80% LTV buy-to-let mortgage, which you rented for Ā£500 per month and paid interest of 3% on a floating basis when interest rates were 0.1% with the Bank of England. What would your future position be?

According to Rightmove rents have increased 11.5% (in the North-East) over the last year, so your rent would be around Ā£558 and house prices have increased by 10.3% (again in the NE) so your property would be worth Ā£110,300.

Over the last year interest rates have gone up from 0.1% to 1.25% or by 1.15%. So you would have been paying Ā£200 per month in interest but now paying Ā£277 per month (with a 1.15% interest rate increase).

Overall youā€™re now only making Ā£281 pcm after interest on your property versus Ā£300 pcm a year ago but for that Ā£19 pcm reduction in income youā€™ve made Ā£10,300 in property price growth.

Iā€™d take a Ā£10k gain over losing Ā£19 per month.

What about over the next couple of years when we make a couple of assumptions. Inflation is sticky and remains at 5% before dropping to 2% (the inflation target). The government raises interest rates to 2.5% before dropping them to 2% as inflation falls.

Year 2

Rent is now Ā£585, Property Value is Ā£115,815, Interest is Ā£360 & Net Income is Ā£225.

Year 3

Rent is now Ā£597, Property Value is Ā£118,131, Interest is Ā£327 & Net Income is Ā£270.

So youā€™ve had a sticky couple of years where youā€™ve had to ride several interest rate rises and ridden the tiger of high inflation. Whatā€™s your final position.

Your property has increased in value by Ā£18k and your net income has fallen by Ā£30 pcm. If house prices, interest rates and rents hadnā€™t increased over those 3 years (which happened over the past 10 years in the North East) ā€“ itā€™d take you 600 months to make the Ā£18k increase in property value from your rental income.

I know what Iā€™d prefer!

Itā€™s going to be hairy riding this interest rate tiger, but once weā€™re through it ā€“ Iā€™m sure weā€™ll all be better off!


For any sales, lettings or refurb help:

  • Contact us today by phone or email to move your property to us.
  • Weā€™ll contact your letting agent to ensure a seamless tenant transfer, including the deposit, keys and all paperwork.
  • Weā€™ll contact your tenant to resolve any rent, maintenance or refurbishment issues you have, arranging a property visit if required.
  • Weā€™ll begin the process of maximising your income and wealth.