2015 see the launch of our RENT TO BUY for tenants. We have brought this product to market to give landlords a future exit...

2015 see the launch of our RENT TO BUY for tenants. We have brought this product to market to give landlords a future exit strategy while sustaining a rental income until this point.

So, what is a RENT TO BUY?

RENT TO BUY is a fantastic way for your existing tenant or new tenant to eventually own the property that they are currently renting or going to rent. We have launched this product due to more and more tenants enquiring if they can purchase the property that they are in.

What are the benefits to you the seller, of doing a RENT TO BUY?

  • With a tenant buyer in place you practically eliminate voids.
  • You will have a reliable tenant who has a huge incentive to pay their rent on time.
  • The tenants pay for all maintenance costs.
  • You will benefit from a future sale of your property, at a pre-agreed price.

We recommend that you analyse your portfolio and decide which properties you wish to sell within the next 5-10 years and offer a RENT TO BUY facility on these.

You can find out more about RENT TO BUY for your Tenants via the following link:


We also have other Landlord services that may be of benefit to you such as Lease Options, Below Market Value Properties and HMOโ€™s. If you would like to find out about these and many other landlord services click on the following link:


Rent to Buy for your tenants is worth a serious pause for thought.

If you would like to find out more about Rent to Buy, I would like to schedule a personal phone call for you with my senior Property Sourcing Manager, Mike Bell. He can answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to schedule a personal call, you can do so here:


Or, alternatively register your interest via email:mikebell@nguhomesalesonline.co.uk

Or call: 0191 491 0333 and ask for Mike Bell

Rent to Buy for your Tenants-a future exit strategy while sustaining a rental income and no maintenance


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Never Give Up

Chris Fitzakerley

Managing Director