People often ask me – how do you win your deposit disputes? How do you manage to get your tenant(s) to rectify any damage...

People often ask me – how do you win your deposit disputes? How do you manage to get your tenant(s) to rectify any damage they may have caused before they move out?

The answer – get the starting point right!

Give guidelines to your tenant(s) when they move in!

We do this and the guidelines are the first page of our inventory. The guidelines you should give to your tenants when they move in, should include the following:

Examples of the most common deductions that a tenant can be charged for. What may be common sense to you will not necessarily be common sense to your tenant?

1. All maintenance issues should be reported immediately by the tenant(s).

2. Tenant(s) must not make any alterations without permission in writing.

3. It is the responsibility of the tenant(s) to make sure all rooms are heated and vented adequately.

4. The tenant(s) must ensure that all grounds/gardens are well maintained.

5. It is the responsibility of the tenant(s) to highlight if the property is cleaned to an acceptable standard.

6. By signing the inventory the tenant(s) is verifying that NGU Homelettings have given a chance to view, amend and sign the document at the MOVE IN appointment.

7. The tenant(s) must remove all possessions internally and externally at the move out appointment.

8. Get the tenant(s) to sign that they have read and understood the guidelines.

366 Point Inventory – WOW REALLY!

NGU Homelettings inventory has 366 points to record the condition of the properties that we let out. It is essential that your inventory has detail, detail and more detail. We often get properties transferred to us where the landlord has no inventory when the tenant moved in or the inventory does not have enough detail to fully list the condition of the property. When this happens you are already on the back foot all the way through the tenancy with your tenant(s) because you have not confirmed exactly what the property was like when they moved in, and how you want it when they move out.

So what should you have in your inventory?

Detail is key – list all aspects of your property – everything! We even list the light bulbs because who is going to pay for these if the tenants take them when they go to their next property?

1. List the condition via a rating system- rate the condition i.e. Brand new, good, average, below standard etc.

2. List the quantity.

3. List the defects.

4. Photos need to be taken of ALL aspects of the room especially the defects. Please make sure these photos are dated.

List the items that you cannot see via photos and get the tenant(s) to sign to say they agree!

1. Condition of the grass – recently cut, slightly over-grown, N/A

2. Is the kitchen clean – professional standard, generally good, reasonable, below standard.

3. Have the carpets been cleaned – new, professionally cleaned, vacuumed, not vacuumed.

4. Light Fittings- all bulbs working, most working with exceptions listed, not working.


Make sure you decide on your pet policy. At NGU Homelettings we take an additional deposit if the tenant(s) have pets. We take an additional £135.00 per 2 pets.

Make sure you decide on your pet policy – how many pets is a tenant(s) allowed? We do not take more than 2 dogs for example unless they are a dog breeder and the dogs will be outside.

I hope you have found this article useful and if you would like to read more of our articles please CLICK on the below link to take you to our blog page on our website:

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Chris Fitzakerley

Managing Director