Sell your NEGATIVE EQUITY rental property anywhere in the UK & get £2,000.00 cash up front  Lease Options are an ideal way for landlords...


rental property anywhere in the UK

& get £2,000.00 cash up front

Lease Options are an ideal way for landlords to sell their Buy to Let properties which have negative or little equity.

Are you a:

  • Reluctant landlord.
  • You haven’t got the funds to spend on your property to improve its condition to attract good tenants- does it need a new kitchen or bathroom?
  • You are seeking other opportunities?
  • Do you want to raise cash to reinvest?

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Benefits to you- the vendor (seller) of doing a Lease Option

  • You could get up to £2,000.00 up front for doing a lease option from the buyer.
  • If your property has negative equity or little equity this is a way out.
  • You don’t have any maintenance on the property, this responsibility shifts to the new buyer.
  • Peace of mind.
  • The legal arrangements are handled by solicitors.
  • Sale price locked in.

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We have a waiting list of investors who want negative or little equity Buy to Let properties in any condition.

We have a waiting list of ready to go investors who are willing to pay up to £2,000.00 cash up front to you to do a lease option on your property.

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Click On The Image Below to download our

FREE brochure – Property Lease Options Made Simple


Lease Options are worth a serious pause for thought if your property is in negative or little equity.

If you would like to find out more about lease options, I would like to schedule a personal phone call for you with our senior Property Sourcing Manager, Mike Bell. He can answer any questions you have about selling your property.

If you would like to schedule a personal call, you can do so here:

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Or, alternatively register your interest via:

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Or call: 0191 491 0333 and ask for Mike Bell

Investment property that will run itself letting you do the things that you enjoy