As you may know NGU supports a local cancer charity in the North-East – FACT – Fighting all Cancers Together. This is a charity...

As you may know NGU supports a local cancer charity in the North-East – FACT – Fighting all Cancers Together.

This is a charity which is close to both Chris & Nigel’s heart’s, the owners of NGU, since they both lost a sister to cancer.

We’ve been raising money through saving landlords money on their buildings insurance – our broker guarantees to save you money on your buildings insurance and sends any commission we earn directly to FACT – a WIN / WIN for you and the charity.

We recently reached out to FACT to see how they’re getting on – this was their response from Joanne Smith their Founder and Chief Executive.


😢Their charity fundraising income has stopped, their events cancelled and their charity shops are closed.

☹️They have not yet received any government or statutory funding.

❤️FACT needs to be here today, tomorrow and for years to come, but they face potential closure if they don’t get the help they need now.

🙏Please consider making a one off donation, or setting up a monthly gift by visiting their website

This is also what they’re doing at the moment:

FACT is working extremely hard to provide Kindness Kits of food, toiletries and household products to people and families affected by cancer who are struggling financially or who are having to isolate because of their cancer. They are delivering over 300 every week.

They are also providing emotional support over the telephone – a general helpline to check in with people and also crisis support provided by counsellors for those with greater needs. They are handling hundreds of calls on a daily basis.

They are doing all of this, with no income.

Once we heard this – we contributed £1,000 straightaway to FACT.

I know money is extremely tight and a lot of donations are going to Covid-19 related charities but charities like FACT also do an essential job caring for those people who really need our help. Those suffering from cancer are probably self-isolating and need our help.

As such we’d like people to help us raise another £1,000 if possible.

We’re not asking for anyone to contribute unless they want to, but to simply change their insurance and save themselves money. By doing this will you contribute around £25 to FACT and create a WIN / WIN situation for the charity and yourself. One of our directors, Nigel Fitzakerley, has done a video below explaining this 👇

So please if you can we’d love you to support in this way, if you don’t think this is applicable we’ve also provided a link to support FACT directly.

Most of all – take care in this trying time and let’s not let Corona beat us!