Have you always wanted to invest in property, but don’t have the funds for a big mortgage deposit? Maybe you can’t get the funds...

Have you always wanted to invest in property, but don’t have the funds for a big mortgage deposit? Maybe you can’t get the funds due to self-employed status. Whatever the reason, if you are interested in investing in property, have the passion to be a property investor, we have the solution for you!

We have vendors looking to sell their property throughout the UK via the route of a lease option. A lease option gives our vendors the immediate freedom to walk away from their property with no ongoing financial responsibility and at no cost.


It allows you, the Option holder to delay the purchase until financing is more favourable. By delaying the transaction the option holder is often able to agree a price sufficient to cover the vendor’s debts where otherwise a traditional immediate purchase might fall short. The agreement is formed via solicitors so that there is no doubt or confusion as to the nature of the agreement and it can be formulated and completed very quickly, within a period of weeks

All of this is done with NO BIG DEPOSITS to pay, in fact you don’t need to pay anything but a small finder’s fee!

Once the deal is done, you collect the rent, and you reap the rewards.

If you are serious about investing, NOW is the time to get in on lease options. You can build a huge portfolio of cash flow positive properties in a very short space of time.


Take action:

If you would like to schedule a personal call, you can do so here: http://www.nguhomesalesonline.co.uk/contact.php

Or, alternatively register your interest via email:mikebell@nguhomesalesonline.co.uk

Or call: 0191 491 0333 and ask for Mike Bell

Own Cash Flow Positive Investment Property

With None Of Your Own Money!


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Never Give Up

Chris Fitzakerley

Managing Director