A landlord’s experience…………with NGU Homelettings     What one of our landlords thinks of NGU Homelettings!-Antony & Elvina Gilbert, Bury St Edmunds      ...

A landlord’s experience…………with NGU Homelettings

What one of our landlords thinks of NGU Homelettings!-Antony & Elvina Gilbert, Bury St Edmunds

Having started buying property in East Anglia in the late 1990s we began to look for opportunities further afield and decided on expanding our portfolio in the North East.

Given the distance and the fact that we have other careers, finding a good management company is of paramount importance. Our experience of agents in the early years was not always positive and we encountered many of the pitfalls of property investment.

Having changed agents three times over a seven year period, we met with Chris Fitzakerley in 2011 and were immediately struck by the fact that he had encountered the same pitfalls, setbacks and incompetent management as we had. Most importantly, he had strategies in place to deal with these situations and a team which shares his vision and works hard on behalf of clients. We were particularly impressed by the fact that he had their own portfolio and clearly understood how to run property as an investment; a classic case of putting your money where your mouth is!

Fundamental to NGU Homelettings approach is pro-activity and transparency. Regular updates on issues such as rent payments, tenant finding and maintenance provides us with the information we need to monitor the performance of our investment. They combine the interests of tenant and landlord by maintaining property to a good standard and keeping abreast of changes in legislation, incentives and market trends.

Since we moved our portfolio to NGU Homelettings two years ago we have noticed a significant change for the better in the condition of our properties and the experience of our tenants. Having content tenants living in well maintained properties has increased the returns on our investment and cut down on the hassle factor.

Whether you are taking the first steps into property investment or are an established portfolio holder we can thoroughly recommend NGU Homelettings for their effective professionalism and friendly approach.