With the ever increasing number of landlords coming to us to take action against tenants they have sourced themselves, NGU Homelettings has positioned its...

With the ever increasing number of landlords coming to us to take action against tenants they have sourced themselves, NGU Homelettings has positioned its self as a market leader in possession cases across the North East.

How do you speed up possession proceedings by 14 days?

If you get to the stage where you have had to take your tenant to court and you are awarded possession back for your property, nine times out of ten based upon this judgement, the judge will award possession in 14 days. The Housing Act states for a section 8 and 21 notice, 14 daysโ€™ notice is required.

We have highlighted this clause to different judges at the hearings we have been to in the last 6 months to help our landlords get possession of their properties back quicker.

We have told the different judges at these hearings that we have already given 14 daysโ€™ notice to the tenant when proceedings were issued therefore we request possession forth with.

By simply informing the judge of this it has allowed us to proceed straight to the bailiffs if required where other wise 14 days would need to go by before you can instruct a bailiff.


We have never failed to obtain possession of a property

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email: aaronphelan@nguhomelettings.com

Or call: 0191 452 3323

Investment property that will run itself letting you do the things that you enjoy