#Mid-Week Top Tip Every Wednesday Sharing All Landlord & Investor Tips TOPIC: Get Any Offer Accepted   The Fundamental 3 Offer Rule Hello  ...

#Mid-Week Top Tip

Every Wednesday

Sharing All Landlord & Investor Tips


Get Any Offer Accepted

The Fundamental 3 Offer Rule


We have become experts at negotiating offers and getting a deal closed when it really counts!

Does any one know what the difference is that could separate you from getting any offer on a property accepted vs getting hit with a big fat NO for the next 100 times.

I do …


If you are going to be successful in your property journey / business , you have got to recognise the power of systems that allow you to do the same thing repeatedly , over and over again which should lead to the same results.

A good system allows you to “Major on the Majors”

What I mean by this is doing and focusing more on what works and being able to repeat it time and time and time again.

To get any offer accepted on a property, you need one thing!

Seller motivation.


a motivated seller can be a number of different things to a number of people

Please see some of the examples of what we class as highly motivated sellers:

  • They could be experiencing financial difficulties
  • They may have inherited a property in an area they have no need for so would like a quick sale , it may be due to the breakdown of a marriage or even a bereavement.
  • The property may need a lot of work and is being missed by the target buyers in an area – for example , first time buyers or families , may be unwilling to do the work required.
  • There could be a breakdown of a relationship.

To be very clear, if you come across sellers in these situations, the motivation will be strong, and you will be in a great position to reach your target offer and help them and yourselves to reach your goals.

Email me for more information on how to find motivated sellers:*

The Fundamental 3 Offer Rule

When I offer on properties – I follow a 3 offer rule.

I begin by finding out my “Target offer”. – the target offer is the offer where you feel it is realistic , and the deal stacks for you.

You will need a deal machine-

I will always offer a minimum of £9000 less than my “target offer” – Yes I understand that this is most likely to be rejected , however there has been a number of occasions where we have managed to get an offer accepted.

My next offer will be a £2000 increase , if this is then rejected.

Before I make the final offer , I will always explain that I have increased my offer, and I would like to close a deal on the next offer, always ask the question “Can we meet in the middle etc”.

When you get this figure , if it is less than/ or matches your target offer this is great. You have a deal!!

If they do not give you a figure , you can increase to your final and target offer , this is a massive increase psychologically it’s a £7000 increase from your last offer.

This huge jump in your offer, along side with the sellers motivation , and your system for qualifying the reasons paired with your case to sell the reasons of why you are the best candidate, that you have funds or finance available, will allow you to get an offer accepted on any property.

Gain Knowledge

See Opportunity

Take Action

email: mikebell@nguhomesalesonline.co.uk

Or call: 0191 491 0333 and ask for Mike Bell if you would like to discuss your investment strategy.

Investment property that will run itself letting you do the things that you enjoy