I thought I’d let you know about some exciting news since you might have thought we’ve been sat twiddling our thumbs during lock down!...

I thought I’d let you know about some exciting news since you might have thought we’ve been sat twiddling our thumbs during lock down!

We’ve just bought ourselves a 360 camera so we can do virtual tours on your properties. What does that mean?

  1. On all empty properties we’ll be doing virtual tours on them – so tenant’s can view from their living rooms – increasing the chances of you letting your property!
  2. When we come out of lockdown – we’ll have the best processes and systems to get over any social distancing restrictions – again allowing us to let properties as quickly as possible!
  3. Wherever possible in this new “normal” we’re supporting our landlords to continue to let properties in a sustainable way.

So rest assured we’re working incredibly hard in the background to support our landlords!

If you currently have an empty property with another agent and they’re not offering virtual tours let us know!

We’re starting to see increased interest from prospective tenants and have “unfurloughed” one of our new lettings team to deal with tenant interest and begin rolling out these tours. See Sarah, she doesn’t normally look like this, but she popped into the office to pick up her laptop and phone 😀


We’ll be rolling this out firstly to our current landlords then to new landlords on a first come first serve basis. So if you have a property empty with another agent – let us know and we’ll schedule you in for a tour.

See below Chris one of our directors discussing our new 360 Tours 👇👇

Let us know if we can help in anyway?