The last week has been incredibly trying for all of us.  At 5pm rather than thinking what we’re having for tea we now watch...

The last week has been incredibly trying for all of us. At 5pm rather than thinking what we’re having for tea we now watch the Prime Minister and our fight against the Corona Virus.

It’s amazing the world we live in!

I want to keep everyone updated with what’s currently effecting landlords and what’s changing.

The biggest thing that happened yesterday is that ALL evictions have now been banned for 3 months to help tenant’s in financial distress.

The government has also extended the 3 month mortgage holiday to buy-to-lets, so if you’re finding yourself in financial distress over the next 3 months, please, please, please contact your lender.

In regard to the banning of evictions one of the directors below has created a video with our 3 top tips, of what we’re currently doing.

Click below 👇👇👇

At the moment this situation is incredibly fluid but payment plans and universal credit is our bread and butter.

We’re incredibly experienced with Universal Credit, over 400 tenancies and dealing with payment plans is something we do everyday.

So we think we’ll be able to provide expert support through this by sticking together as tenant, landlord and agent.

We’ll ensure where your tenant does have financial difficulties that we’ll agree a payment plan which is in yours and the tenants’ interests.

If you do need any help let me know?