How are things?  I’m having a great week, the sunshine has been out and I’ve been enjoying getting back to the new “normal”.  Visiting...

How are things? I’m having a great week, the sunshine has been out and I’ve been enjoying getting back to the new “normal”. Visiting friends and family outside and I’ve even treated myself to a pint of beer in the local!

I don’t know about you but for me property has been all about giving myself opportunities I wouldn’t get elsewhere. My job was never going to give me the pension and lifestyle I wanted, so I went into property hoping that I could get a better life for myself.

Now I’ve got kids, I’m also hoping it’ll give them a good start as well. That’s why a lot of the things we do are not for this year or next, we’re always planning 5 years ahead.

Since either you want to keep your property long term or at some point you’ll want to sell for a good price, right? So why not make decisions which’ll give you both of these outcomes?

Like I’ve said in the past, all the things we normally do don’t cost very much but save you money in the long run. My brother did a quick video below on a stair rail he found and how to prevent fixing it continually.

See the video below (click on picture)👇

Our aim in everything we do is to generate wealth for our landlords, you can do this by maximising income or minimising costs.

At the moment we’re starting to do annual reviews for our landlords, which involves property visits as well as checking the current rent against comparables using a Rightmove generated report.

We then assess the circumstances of the tenant, the condition of the property and any maintenance works that’s required, to see if rents need to go up.

At the moment we’re finding a lot of rents have gone up in the last year (it’s a very buoyant North East Market), so hopefully our landlords will see their incomes go up!

Any landlord properties we don’t manage we also do a FREE LANDLORD HEALTH CHECK (we do this annually for our landlords), to see how your rent compares to the local market.

If you’re not managed by NGU and fancy a free landlord health check, drop me an email and we’ll have a look for you today – you never know you might get a pleasant surprise?