I thought I’d share with you John’s story of how he built a 17 property portfolio remotely while living and working in London. John’s...

I thought I’d share with you John’s story of how he built a 17 property portfolio remotely while living and working in London.

John’s a great guy who we’ve know for several years and helped him to build his portfolio from zero to now 17 units. We’ve helped him to purchase HMO’s as well as buy to let’s throughout the North East.

John has bought a real mix of property investments but what we generally recommend is semi-detached / terraced family homes in not the best but not the worst areas. This allows you to get long term tenants (families tend to stay longer in houses) in areas which are affordable but with higher numbers of owner occupiers, which will generally out perform on a capital gains basis.

As an investor you always want that double bubble of capital gains and rental income, that’s why property generally outperforms other asset classes especially when using a mortgage to leverage your asset.

I’m hoping with the way the North East property market is at the moment up 6+% year on year and rentals up 3%+ we’re in for a golden couple of years for John, once we’re through the Covid related issues.

Anyway let’s listen to John’s story 🍿🍿🍿

As you can see John is pretty astute and maintaining your credit rating is key. If you’d like to begin your property journey we offer 15 minute consultations to discuss your property goals and how we can help you to achieve them. We also offer packaged buy to let deals so please do get in touch if you want to begin your property journey today.

PS: Also we’re looking for volunteers for these videos? If you’d like to volunteer 🙏, drop me an email since we’d love to hear your story and as an added bonus will give you half price management for 3 months for the hassle!