Please click on the link below to download the latest stats from RIGHTMOVE to show the most desirable areas to BUY and LET (we...

Please click on the link below to download the latest stats from RIGHTMOVE to show the most desirable areas to BUY and LET (we update this every month).


We track how many properties that are listed in each postcode in the North East that are SOLD or LET within that month.

E.g. the higher the % SOLD or LET the better the area is. Any areas that have 20% + of listed properties being SOLD or LET within a month (the ones highlighted in green on the download) are the areas you should be investing in.

Take action:

If you would like to schedule a personal call about the other x2 important factors to consider when investing in property you can do so here:

Or, alternatively register your interest via

Or call: 0191 491 0344 and ask for Mike Bell

Investment property that will run itself letting you do the things that you enjoy

Much of what worked in property investment even 2-5 years ago, is now the wrong approach. If youโ€™re making any critical Property Investment mistakes please read this email.

You will have heard the saying LOCATION, LOCATION,LOCATION.

That is so important to understand the relevant components to a good, rock solid property.

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