A boiler is probably one of the most essential and expensive single investments in any rented property; not only to install but also to...

A boiler is probably one of the most essential and expensive single investments in any rented property; not only to install but also to fix when they go wrong. Yet many Landlords do not spend the time needed to maintain their boilers, until a hefty bill comes in…

Is Servicing My boiler Really That Important?

As Landlords you should all be well aware of your legal responsibility as per Gas Safety (installation & Use) Regulations 1998 to ensure your boiler is safe by organising an annual Gas Safety Check; which was previously known as a CP12 under CORGI, prior to April 2010. Yet as with your car MOT; the Gas Safety Check only looks at the immediate safety of your boiler. It is the boiler service that ensures the boiler is functioning properly and in line with manufacturer guidelines; which could prolong boiler life and reduce the risk of faults and expensive repairs at a later date.

Keep Your Tenants Happy

In addition to prolonging your boiler life there are countless other reasons for keeping your boiler well maintained. Many of you will be all too familiar with tenant’s complaints of “damp” in their property which when inspected further, turns out to be condensation: a combination of moisture in the air and your tenants failure to adequately heat their home. NGU Homelettings have found that the primary reason for inadequate heating is fuel costs; however a regularly serviced boiler is a more efficient boiler; meaning it is cheaper to run. Thus regular servicing can ensure tenants pay cheaper utility bills, giving them fewer reasons not to pay their rent, as well as reducing your risk of condensation or “damp” issues occurring.

Carbon Monoxide: Is Your Back Boiler A Silent Killer?

Boiler efficiency will deteriorate with use and with age for a number of reasons; but for Back boiler and Convectional boiler services although not a legal requirement, should be considered compulsory. Both these types of boilers produce a lot of soot from the combustion process; which can block ventilation. If there is a lack of air or the heating appliance is faulty, Carbon Monoxide can be produced and be redirected from the flue or chimney and back into your tenant’s home which can then be breathed in by your tenants and their children. Breathing in carbon monoxide can prevent the blood from absorbing oxygen which can cause illness or death. A boiler service will ensure effective ventilation of the boiler and by adjustment will re-establish optimum combustion conditions making the boiler safe.

Don’t Waste Your Warranty!

Just because you may have installed a new boiler does not mean that a boiler service should be dismissed. Many new boilers come with 2, 3, 5 or even 7 year Warranties; however annually servicing your boiler is often a prerequisite condition of the warranty’s validity. Therefore if a fault did occur and your boiler had not been serviced in line with the guarantee or warranty guidelines then you could end up paying the full cost for any repairs or parts; regardless of any protection you thought you had in place.

When Did You Last Get Your Boiler Serviced?

Boiler manufacturers and Gas Engineers alike agree that boilers should be serviced once a year. Whilst there is no evidence to suggest a “best” time of year to get your boiler serviced it is worth considering the formidable forecast of “worst winter yet” and those emergency call out charges…

How Can I Get My Annual Boiler Service Booked In?

NGU Homelettings understand the importance of regularly maintaining boilers. For our Managed Clients we can organize a boiler service to be carried out annually at the same time as the Gas Safety Check; or we can book a one off Service for the following costs:

Gas Safety Check Only£59.00
Boiler Service Only£60.00
Boiler Service with Gas Safety Check£99.00

All services are conducted by a qualified Gas Safe Registered Engineer. When a boiler service is booked alongside the Gas Safety Inspection our Landlords will be entitled to a £20.00 discount on the cost of the service.

If you are a Managed Client and you would like us to organise an Annual Boiler Service for you please contact our Maintenance Department on 0191 491 0344 Option 3 and we can book this in for you.

If you are not a Managed Client and you would like to know more about our services please call 0191 491 0344 Option 1 or email info@nguhomelettings.com. We are currently offering half price management at 5% Plus VAT for new business for the first six months!


Christopher Fitzakerley

NGU Homelettings