We have complied a list of our top tips below to help investors streamline this process.   Property Investor Survival Plan:   1. Be...

We have complied a list of our top tips below to help investors streamline this process.

Property Investor Survival Plan:

1. Be as educated and informed as possible to allow yourself to be able to consistently make the sure fire decisions to consistently make you money.

2. Seek professional advice on how to structure your property portfolio in a tax efficient manner.

3. Invest more time in planning and auditing your property business, measuring the effectiveness and tweaking to maximise performance on a monthly basis.

4. Take a long term view – 15 to 20 years.

5. Understand that the utilisation of finance is what drives investing in property; develop a strategy by utilising finance to allow you to recycle cash.

6. Become an expert at finding property deals, always buying from motivated sellers at a price which will lock in equity from day one of ownership.

7. Maintain your assets to a high standard, attracting premium rents and tenants, and maintaining the asset value.

8. If you currently invest in standard BTL, consider diversifying into other areas of property investment.

9. Join a Landlord Association and adopt a business and professional approach.

10. Shop around, compare all products and services available and ensure that your running costs for an empty property is lowest that it can be.

11. Keep calm and carry on knowing that having a roof over a person’s head will NEVER go out of fashion!

Take action get in contact with us:

Absolutely rock solid property investment


email: mikebell@nguhomesalesonline.co.uk

Or call: 0191 491 0344 and ask for Mike Bell

Investment property that will run itself letting you do the things that you enjoy