I know my dad always says self praise is no praise but like I said whoever listens to your dad!! So what do I...

I know my dad always says self praise is no praise but like I said whoever listens to your dad!!

So what do I think to our communication on refurbs – I think they’re fab! But that doesn’t help you as a landlord so I thought I’d give you our 816 point check list to use with a general builder, when surveying a property, and also a couple of videos showing the before and after of a refurb, to see what you should expect.

Before every refurb we do a video, alot of our landlords either don’t visit or live elsewhere so they prefer this type of communication and to be honest it’s easier for us to explain when a landlord can physically see works for themselves.

A general builder will probably do a 10 minute quick survey noticing all the large points, new kitchen or bathroom required, skim the front lounge, decorate throughout but because we have to manage the property afterwards we use our 816 point checklist to identify all the issues so we’re not stuck fixing things when a tenant moves in.


Below is a video of a property we recently refurbed – the video’s really long so don’t watch all of it (15 minutes) but it shows the type of thing your builder should be doing when surveying your property.

Pre-Refurb – Click on picture below for video:

As you can see from the video we’re pretty comprehensive when viewing a property – we also like to assess a property based on the area and the type of finish required for that locality. This often saves money since a general builder might just want to do a finish based on what a home owner would require. See below the post refurb video, as you can see Chris one of the directors is pretty pleased with it!

Post-Refurb – Click on picture below for video:

I hope you found this useful, if you do need a refurb don’t hesitate to get in contact since we’re always happy to help.