You ever heard the phrase? Fail to prepare, Prepare to Fail You might think what has that got to do with developing and renting...

You ever heard the phrase?

Fail to prepare, Prepare to Fail

You might think what has that got to do with developing and renting property?

Well it’s always easy to cut corners and it’s especially easy for tradesman to do so, if you don’t fully explain what you want.

When I first got involved in property it was all about the here and now.

New boiler, get it done cheap, bang, move-on!

Need some new carpets, I’ve got a great price – next job!

The thing is though these decisions eventually catch up with you.

I put in cheap carpets with the cheapest of cheapest of underlay – guess what they needed replacing!

I used to put in a cheap boiler, guess what it wasn’t either strong enough or as soon as the warranty finished, it needed replacing. 🤦‍♂️

Luckily I’ve learnt from these mistakes, at NGU we live and breath renting and developing property. Everything we do is to save or make more money for our landlords, while in the process providing a good quality home for our tenants.

One of the biggest issues you’ll face as a landlord is water damage in your bathroom and kitchens either from damp / mould or simply water getting onto walls and surfaces. These areas are damp by nature so you need to think how you’re going to protect them!

I’m not going into damp and mould today, since I could spend months discussing this – especially when alot of it is to do with prevention but how you can do something incredibly simple to protect your bathroom flooring and make it last longer.

See our video below 👇

If you’re fed up of your letting agent not knowing how to make YOU MORE MONEY or not having the first clue how to manage a property effectively. Give us a bell today.

We’re landlords, we live and breath property, it’s our job to make YOUR MONEY LAST LONGER!