For those who didn’t take action in 2015. Lets reflect on the success of a new client through NGU over the last 12 months....

For those who didn’t take action in 2015.

Lets reflect on the success of a new client through NGU over the last 12 months.

Investment Choice: Lease Option

Capital Invested: £40,000

Rental Income PCM: £3,157

Cashflow Generated PCM: £2,270

Return On Capital Investment: 56.57%

For those who don’t know – NGU abbreviates – NEVER GIVE UP

Sometimes perspective can get lost when you’re having an awful day or a difficult time. In those moments, negativity and stress seem to be winning. If you’re going through a challenging moment, these words might offer some comfort with their simple wisdom and offer you that dose of perspective you didn’t know you needed.

Begin with the end in mind!

Wherever you are on your property journey, you need to remind yourself of where you want to be at the end of it. Do you have a vision for the future?

As property investors, there are risk we take to claim the rewards we truly deserve.

Turn you “should’s” into “WILL’S” or “MUST’S!” the words we say to our self-everyday dictate our actions. Underneath the vision of how you see your life, the people that you are with, how you spend your spare time, the things you buy and the experiences you enjoy; are the goals that you set which are the stepping stones along the way to reaching your vision.

The common mistake people make with setting “goals” and not achieving, is they invest happiness within the outcomes.

Set a goal – but detach your happiness from the outcome.

Take your goals seriously.

Do not act out your life as a “creature of circumstance”


“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

When it comes to investing, nothing will pay off more than educating yourself. Do the necessary research, study and analysis to be able to make the sure-fire decisions that will consistently make you money!

The Bottom Line

The world of investing can be cold and hard. But if you do thorough research and keep your head on straight, your chances of long-term success are good. Refer back to these quotes when you’re feeling shaky or are confused about investing. How are they relevant to your experience?

The principle of investing in property for 2016 is “Rock Solid Property Investment”

Most Importantly………….

Gain Knowledge

See Opportunity

Take Action



Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!