How long have you been in the industry?
12 years.
What is your favourite part about your role?
There is no real typical day for me which is one of the reasons I love my role. However, days are split between internal factors which will revolve around emails and calls with the managers, meetings with the various departments and targets etc. Externally I still like to get my hands dirty and be out bound and deal with tenants in person as ultimately that’s where my strengths are and what I excel at.
I truly believe that NGU Homelettings USP, is the people that work for us and the professional culture we have set within the company.
I treat each property as if it were my own and genuinely care about everything I do – and won’t compromise on our professionalism and the product we offer.
If you were to recommend 1 place to go/ thing to see or do in the North East what would it be?
What is your favourite phrase/ personal motto?
“Carpe diem – Sieze the day”